Author(s): Vishnu C. P.*, Rijin Mohan, Gopikrishna S, Rashmi Pujar, Nandesh Mohan
Kasa is one among disease affecting Pranavahasrotas. The Kapha Prakopa Nidanas along with Vata Prakopa Nidana causes the disease. Kaphaja Kasa is one among the five types of Kasa. It is characterised by Bahula, Madhura, Snigdha, Ghana and Sandra kapha. In Kaphaja Kasa, Vata is also vitiated hence presentation of Kapha Lakshana as well as vata lakshana are observed. Visesha Lakshanas of Kaphaja Kasa has been delineated in different classical texts. Analysing Kaphaja Kasa with proper understanding of samprapti will aid in adopting appropriate management. In this article an attempt is made to give a review on the causative factors, pathogenesis as well as symptoms to understand Kaphaja Kasa in detail.