Author(s): Aruna T*, Srirupa H and Sneha Vangaveti
Sleep related problems are common amongst young adults who are enrolled in professional colleges, especially among medicos. Vast syllabi demand more time which either directly or indirectly has an impact on sleeping habits. Hence, it is planned to evaluate the sleep pattern and its effects among medical students. The aim of this study is to assess sleep deprivation of medical students and its impact on their academic performance and health. The objective of this study is to study the sleep pattern among medical students, and to analyze the causes and effects of sleep deprivation based on a given questionnaire. Study Centre: Tertiary teaching institute. Study population: 4 group of 400 medical students in 4 batches (each 100) A-I MBBS; B-II MBBS; C-III MBBS; D-IV MBBS. Study material: Questionnaire containing 20 close ended multiple- choice questions, Study design: cross sectional study. 85 % of medicos are sleeping less than 8 hours per night. 56.5 % of III and IV years and 34 % of I and II years sleep late in the night. Only 5 %-18 % can do normal work after a sleepless night. Sleepless nights due to continuous examinations reduce academic performance. (50 % of I and II year, 45.5 % of III and IV year). The present study updates us with information that the medical professionals suffer from sleep deprivation which leads to reduced performance and health issues. Appropriate counseling and proper planning to reduce the stress imposed should be practiced to control the situation rightly