ISSN (Online) : 2277-4572



Author(s): Afroja Yeasmin Akhtar Roji*, Abichal Chattopadhyay

Classically it has been mentioned that Bahudrava kapha and Bahuabaddha meda are the causative factors in the disease prameha. Sedentary lifestyle is another causative factor of prameha now days. If prameha left untreated then it turns into Asadhya (incurable). Shitameha in terms of Phosphaturia is usually applied when the phosphate becomes visible as turbidity, deposited or as crystals visible microscopically. Here Ayurvedic management of Shitameha has been described. A five years male child had come to outpatient department with complaint of frequency of micturition (10-14 times) in a day with pain in glance penis during micturition, loss of appetite, muscle pain, turbid urine and site of micturition became white after sometimes along with attraction of ants towards it. He was treated with Deepan-pachan (digestion and metabolism enhancing) medicine such as Panchkola churna and tablet Amalaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa Linn) etc. with mutravirajaniya as (urine coloring drugs) herb (Padmapatra Swarasa- Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) as Anupana (vehicle). He has been advised to follow some pathya-apathya (wholesome and unwholesome diet). After three months, significant result was noted. Phosphate and calcium were reduced from 8 mg/dl to 5 mg/dl and 12.5 mg/dl to 10.1 mg/dl respectively. Hence, it was concluded that ruksha (rough) and laghu (light) guna (attribute) play an important role to get relief from Shitameha.