Author(s): Singh Akhilesh Kumar
Context: Human beings, in order to adjust themselves in the modest era, have been compelled to become fast and mechanical. This is the reason why they can’t give proper attention to daily and seasonal regimes, exercise and diet. This change in lifestyle is responsible for Agnimandya. According to them Mandagni is Root cause of every disease. Agni plays the key role in the process of bio-transformation.
Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the role of Trikatu (Pippali, Maricha and Shunthi) as appetite stimulent (Agnivardhan).
Methods and Material: This was a prospective randomized active control trial. A total of 60 participants showing classical symptoms of Agnimandya between 20 and 60 years of age were randomly assigned to receive treatments. One group received Trikatu churna while another group received Agnitundi Vati. Both groups practiced supervised intervention for 3 weeks. The signs and symptoms like Avipak, Prasek, Kshudhamandya, Shirogaurav, Amashay Pradeshi gaurav, Antrakujan, Pravahan were graded and interpreted at the end of the trial.
Results: The result was found effective for treating Avipak, Prasek, Kshudhamandya, Shirogaurav, Amashay Pradeshi gaurav, Antrakujan, Pravahan of Agnimandya in the group treated with Trikatu Churna. The results for the above criteria for the assessment was found statically highly significant.
Conclusions: Trikatu Churna is highly effective in treating Agnimandya