Author(s): Danish Akhtar*, Mohammad Shakeel Ansari, Saiyad Shah Alam, Waseem Ahmad
Haemorrhoids are one of the most common anorectal disorders encountered in the general population. Haemorrhoids are the most common (30-40%) cause of lower G.I. bleeding in India. The present study has been designed to validate the effect of Unani formulation in the management of Bawaseere-ghaira (Internal haemorrhoids of Grade-I and II degree) on scientific parameters. The ingredients of Unani formulation are- Bisfaij, Zarnabad, Rasaut, Muqil, Maghztukhm Neem and Gulab. This study was open observational clinical study. Thirty diagnosed Patients of Grade-I- and II-degree internal haemorrhoids who fulfilled the protocol criteria were selected for the study. Ethical clearance was taken from the IEC. Patients were given 2 Pills (500 mg each) twice a day for 45 days after taking written informed consent as per the study protocol. The outcomes were analysed using appropriate statistical test. There was 100% relief in bleeding with p-value < 0.001 and 85.7% relief in prolapse of mass with p-value 0.033 in the subjective parameters. Out of 30, 28 patients exhibited total number of 50 pile masses at baseline which, at endpoint of study, reduced to 6 (p < 0.001). Out of 30, 14 patients showed total number of 20 pile masses of grade-II, which at endpoint of study reduced to 6 (p < 0.05). The study concluded that Unani formulation (Bisfaij, Zarnabad, Rasaut, Muqil, Maghztukhm Neem and Gulab) is a efficacious formulation for internal haemorrhoids in respect of efficacy and safety.