Author(s): Rajesh S., Azeemuddin M., Suryakant D.A., Senthilraja S., Patki P.S., Rafiq M.
The objective of the present study is to evaluate the Cisplatin-induced pica behaviour in rats by measuring faecal carmine dye excretion and to evaluate the anti-emetic effect of drugs on Cisplatin-induced pica behaviour in rats. Thirty-two rats were divided into 4 groups of 8 animals each. Rats from group I and II received DM water (10ml/kg p.o). Rats from group III and IV received Himalaya Anti-emetic Tablets (HAT) 250 mg/kg p.o. and ondansetron 4mg/kg p.o, respectively. After one hour of the assigned treatment, all the animals except in group I were injected with Cisplatin 3mg/kg i.p. Rats in group I were injected with saline (1ml/kg i.p.). All the animals were fed with normal as well as kaolin pellets (impregnated with carmine dye). The faeces of each rat was collected after 72 hrs of drug administration and analysed for the carmine content. Cisplatin injection (3mg/kg) caused a significant increase in kaolin consumption, which was indicated by increased carmine dye excretion in faeces compared to control. Pre-treatment with HAT and ondansetron significantly suppressed kaolin consumption induced by Cisplatin. The present findings showed that the exact kaolin consumption can be quantified by measuring the faecal excretion of carmine, which was added in kaolin pellets and this can be a sensitive model to study the anti-emetic potential of drugs, overcoming the inherent disadvantages of measuring direct kaolin intake. Pre-treatment with ondansetron and HAT significantly decreased kaolin consumption in rats-induced by Cisplatin injection, which was further shown by decrease in faecal excretion of carmine, indicating anti-emetic potential of tested drugs.