Author(s): Afroja Yeasmin Akhtar Roji*, Abichal Chattopadhyay, Apala Sengupta, Gopeswara Mukherjee
In all the diseases oja (effective component of all the dhatus) gets affected for the production of the disease of the respective system resulting with Shrotodushti. The clinical observation reveals that pandu is the disease of the Rasavahashrota where rasauja in terms of T-lymphocytes subsets get affected. This study was prospective randomized cohort study carried out by arranging 40 individuals in two groups, out of which 30 individuals are in one group (group-A), treated with Shatavari mula Swarasa ( orally, 12 ml/day in divided doses in the early morning and evening before food) and another group-B contained 10 healthy volunteers (as control group). Patients were selected from OPD and IPD of the institute- Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research at Shyamadas Vaidya Shastra Pith. Selection was done as per subjective criteria of Panduroga (sign and symptoms) along with sign and symptoms of oja visramsa and objective criteria- viz-hematological (ferritin) and immunological parameters (CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD4:CD8). Exclusion and inclusion criteria were also followed. Before and after treatment effects had been assessed statistically and it was revealed that shatavari is effective in pandu by correcting the alteration of rasauja in respect to CD3, CD4 and CD8 cells suggesting the effects on T-cell activation with p value < 0.001. Due to pharmacological properties it acts in pandu and enhance the level of hemoglobin. Virtually having guru and Snigdha guna it acts against the vitiation of rasauja to prevent dushti of Rasavahashrota which are the main site for Panduroga samprapti.